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November 17, 2009


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Hi Jacqueline! If you have trouble finding christmas fabric locally, you could buy it online and have it shipped to me--I don't mind cutting your blocks for you.

If that would let you participate in the swap, I'd be glad to help----


So glad things are looking up, Jacqueline! Keep swimming to your truth and following your heart's desire--you will find the way. Wishing you well, happy and creative along the journey. Look forward to sharing it here with you. :o) Happy week, my ffriend...Oh, and thanks for your lovely comment to me--I'm ok...nothing some rest won't "cure". ;O) ((BIG HUGS))

Kate England | Marmalade Moon

Yes... I can only agree, the fish bowl really can work miracles! So empowering... and I am very happy to hear that you could return to it and gather the strength you need to move on on your journey!


I'm still finishing up a few things but goodness, how the course changed my viewpoint! Glad it helped you too.

donna k

I am doing my best to remind myself each day of these lessons...it is a process and a journey, but one that I think is so worth it! Thank you for sharing your thoughts and for always reaching out with such a loving and supportive hand.


Marisa's illustrations are really charming and endearing. They lighten my mood just looking at them.

The discipline factor is a really big part to the artist's, crafter's, creative's success that I haven't really pondered as I think about my blog. I do remember talking to several professors at the Fashion Institute of Technology (where I went to school) about how it is important to think of yourself as a business and not being trapped into thinking less of oneself.

I'd love to "meet" Marisa. . .


Sounds like such an eye-opening course! Something I am sure in need of!


That course sounds great! I hate days like that, when things don't feel like they're coming together as they should. I'm glad you're feeling better!

I'm hosting a FABULOUS giveaway on my blog :) Please check it out!


Oh this sound wonderful..I think we call learn something from her. I am so so happy you got my little note. Please come by I am having a giveaway and I think you will like it my friend. xoxoxox

Marisa and Creative Thursday

Jacqueline! it was so wonderful to have you in class. You continuously give so much heart and support to others in everything you do. I love seeing how your creative world is expanding and I also have to add how beautiful your photography is!! I haven't been by since you got your new camera and everything just looks gorgeous from your profile photo to the tiny detail trim you've added to the edges of the images. love it! thank YOU for all your continued support. xo


How lucky to have such a meaningful and inspirational mentor! I hope you reach all that you dream for!

Cookie Cutter

Sounds like a really interesting course. I'm intrigued!


You're the best, you know that? Even when you're "down" you manage to make everyone else feel great and send cheerful wishes around the internet. I appreciate it so much - all the happiness and comments you leave at my blog.
You really spread a lot of cheer and creativity, you should celebrate yourself.
Thank you!!!


Jacqueline, I am so glad the e-course meant so much to you. I am a firm believer that you make your own happiness. You cannot depend on other people to make you happy. It comes from within. You must be happy with yourself, enjoy what you do and feel you are worth something. I think you have reached that point. Many people never do, it's so sad. Have a lovely day!


Ciao Jacqueline! It's so nice to hear about your experience...I had taken Marisa's class the first time around and found it so helpful! Although I'm still working on my little creative project...it's just nice to know there are others out there still trying to figure out stuff and perhaps we can cheer each other on! All the best to you!

Sandy Rowe

Thanks Jacqueline for stopping by to visit. I too, reach for my coffee and sit in front of the computer and wander through blogland!


Hi Jacqueline.
Marisa does sound like such a fantastic mentor and inspiration and your not the only person ive heard say it.
Glad you've picked yourself up, follow your heart and continue with all the amazing things you create and do. Keep dreaming!!
I love following your blog and look forward to the cheery comment you leave for me.
Have a very happy lovely day!!


I just want to say that you have been a great inspiration to me - for following your dreams and continuing to shine so beautifully! I look forward to more greatness from you! :)


What a great description of this fishbowl this is! I loved the course as well, when I took it I was so new to this online world and Marisa's ideas took me so much further than I could have on my own starting out! She is such an inspiration!! Thanks so much for visiting my blog. It is so fun to think about you all the way on the other side of the world but still connected here in the blogworld! xo


I agree with you! The fish bowl was amazing!!!!! Looking forward to stying connected with you and all the fishies!!!!!


Hey there, i just love the way you have written this post, its so inspiring and its been wonderful having you as a classmate in the fishbowl...i just know you are moving onto great things as you have so much heart. Thank you so much for your continuous support and comments on my blog and i hope one day many of us will get to meet face to face. :-)


Hi Jacqueline, this is a beautiful tribute to the class. So glad to hear that you were inspired by Marisa's teachings. And it was great to be classmates again! Sorry to hear that you were down. I think it was because you were sick. (I feel that way sometimes too.) But I'm so glad to hear that you have found your focus again!! Your work is beautiful and I know you will succeed because of your passion and dedication to your craft, and also because of all the lives you have touched. Best wishes to you on your journey! :) Wini xox


This is my first visit to your blog but I am hooked in on your beautiful writing style. It really draws me in and paints such a beautiful picture with your words. I've been talking about art on my blog lately and so this post really resonated with me.

Dana Barbieri

Jacqueline- Such a honest post. I am glad you are focused again. Sometimes we get off track and that is o.k. You come back stronger and wiser. All the best sweetie!

Enrouge (karla)

Good morning Jacqueline! I love this post very much. Since we were fishies together in that charter e-course, I know exactly what you are saying. I especially can relate to this lovely line that you wrote at the end of your post: "Marisa is a great teacher. . . . A genuine positive voice that lingers in me as i continue my creative journey." You said that so perfectly -- it is exactly how I have experienced it, too. I remember her words almost every day. What a great help it has been, and best of all, I got to make friends with you!! : )

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