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May 24, 2010


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Kate England

Jacqueline!!!!!! I LOVE your new case!!!! It's a stroke of creative genius!!!!! Such a brilliant idea to reflect the parts of the iPhone on the outside design, and the details are just phenomenal!!!!! The colour, oh love, love, love them! Such colour sensibility!!!! You just made my day, again!!!!


Wow, your icase is beautiful...so delicate and with great details...wow!

Saskia Kok

Sweet Jacqueline, your pieces are always so gorgeous. The iPhone case is divine, love love the pompoms, so cute ~ So Cute it Hurts ~
Have a most wonderful and creative, sweet day!
Much love,
Saskia xx

AG Ambroult

Jacqueline! This is absolutely fantastic! Your work is always so colorful, thoughtful, and adorable. And I am extra happy about it, knowing it is a gift from you to Kate! It's been fun seeing the design process of this case over time. Congrats on finishing up this new piece! (will you be selling these? because I really think they could be a hit)


Dear Amy, i would love to make a few more to send out into the world ~ i think it would be nice to have some pieces available at the shop {it'll be a while before any are added}. I'm planning on working on the iCase for iPad next. :) Have a lovely merry happy day and love to you!


Cute as a button! Love those little buttons with the green "wings" underneath. I this all those little details you added to this project really put this piece over the adorable scale! I know what you mean about getting distracted with other projects. Sometimes it's hard to narrow down your favorites!


Oh, I love it! You are so talented. It's amazing.

Mousy Brown

Wow Jacqueline that is so beautiful - I particularly love the green bobbles! You are soooo talented you should definetly sell them! Glad you are feeling a bit better - take care of yourself sweet friend, Em xxx


Oh wow, what amazing little details! It is truly a work of art, Jacqueline! Love the colors too.


It's so wonderful as always dear Jacqueline! I love all the details, including those mini pom poms! I hope you have a great week! Lots of love and hugs!! xo :)

shari @ little blue deer

It turned out fabulously! I love the green and pink! Are you going to sell these? You totally should!


So cute. Ow! Have a wonderful week.



Valarie Budayr

Hi Jacqueline,
So glad that you are feeling better. I'm so lovin this icase. It's fantastic. Are there any going in the shop? I think my ipod would love one. I'm always so amazed at your incredible talent. You are a treasure. Have a very wonderful week. Big hugs to you.


That is SO cute (it hurts)- really lovely- Each detail is perfect. I can feel the love in each stitch.
You are such a talented artist.
Glad to hear you are on the mend.


Hello gorgeous girl! You are so clever! I so wish I could sew! Maybe one say I will learn! You are inspiring me with your beautiful creations xx


Dearest Valarie, i'm already thinking about making a few more pieces available at the shop but it'll be a while before any are added. :) If you want one of your own, contact me at qlinesocuteithurts(at)hotmail(dot)com and i'll whip you a custom make one! :) Love to you!


Looking at this reminds me how good it is to be able to saw and create something unique. I used to be able to saw many years ago but I've not done it for so long I wouldn't know where to start, maybe I should have a go again and see what happens :)


Love the iCase! Glad to hear that you were able to make the best use of your weekend. Have a lovely merry happy weekend ahead and love to you too.


Those colors are so pretty together -- they are a match made in heaven! It's lovely. . and your work as always is just amazing!


i love the case, and the combination of colours, buttons.. very neat stitches too! u sure are creative and full of patience :-)

Jo Hassan

I just adore this i-case, Jacqueline!! So very pretty and I adore the soft colours too... but then, your work is always sooooo delightful.
Do hope you are feeling heaps better today.
Big hugs Jo xxx


This is adorable! Love the colors and the details are amazing!


I love all the amazing details -and the color is just breath taking!

Connie @ Sogni e Sorrisi

Very cute!

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