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June 21, 2010


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Pink is my favorite of colors, but I do like all shades of purple too--a very happy, lifting color! Enjoy a week of creating, scheming and dreaming, Jacqueline! :o) ((BIG HUGS))

Louise Gale

Hi sweetie, it seems you are doing the correct thing by taking a step back and contemplating, many of us creatives have been wearing ourselves out it seems!

I love the green you have in the space here. My favorites are green and purple and cream together and my apartment is full of those colors. Have a lovely week and enjoy your time being inspired and resting. xxx

AG Ambroult

I am having a love affair with purple right now, too. And purple and green together? a lovely combination.

Nic Hohn

When there is so much going on, it is definelty the small things that make a difference...


I love the colour purple...your mom is so talented..those flowers are amazing!

Have a lovely week my friend. xoxoxo


Hi Jacqueline,

Deine Blumen sind wunderschoen! Sprechen Sie ein bisschen Deutsch?

Haha, do you speak a little bit German, my friend?

Your flowers are wonderful!

Hope you will have an amazing Summertime!! xx

shari @ little blue deer

Oh, I think that purple is going to be THE color this year, just like turquoise was last year. Congrats to you for being ahead of the curve! XO!


I too have been absorbed in sewing lately and it is soooo therapeutic, I love it! Lots of purple is good for you apparently :)



Beautiful colours are for me as important as for you, dear Jaqueline, as a source of inspiration. A wonderful colour combination can make me so happy!
Your Mama's flowers are very pretty!

Have a wonderful week!


and flowers pick themselves

have a lovely time with your sewing! i have had a long love affair with purple, and i don't see it ending anytime soon :)

xo Alison


I am always drawn to purple in clothing, which I always thought was because I'm a Sagittarius, and purple is their color. I don't quilt with much purple. But I'm like you in that I am inspired by color. I have been noticing that more often lately, especially when fabric shopping. Fun to stop and take notice of your likes and dislikes and figure out where they come from!

soraya nulliah

Sweet Jacqueline-I love your beautiful purple bouquet! You mom sounds like such a special lady. I want to say a huge congrats on all the many wonderful things you have going on (I read about it in class and am so proud of you!!) I think it is so awesome that you are FLYING!! Thank for stopping by my place-I always love hearing from you and ...I think its' great that you eat with your fingers!! Did I ever tell you that I visited K.L Malaysia. Just for a few days -I was on my way to India. I went to see Batu Caves and did a few tours. I really loved it there. The people were so friendly, wonderful...very polite and generous:) xxx And beautiful too. What really struck me was how there were so many different ethnic groups but very peacefully co-existing.

Mandy Saile of Bijou's Whimsy

Your mom made those flowers out of paper?

Can't wait to see what you've been working on.

XO Mandy.


:D colours are great inspirations. i love ur photos.. they're inspirations to me ... :D hugz!


Dearest saskia, danke fuer die netten Worte ueber die Blumen!! Ja ich spreche ein wenig Deutsch. This is sooo cute and it made me smile! Love to you sweet friend!


Dear Jacqueline, You mother's bouquet is beautiful. I also love purple. Wishing you all the best with your new crafty adventure!! I'm looking forward to seeing your new work in progress! Have a wonderful week! xo


You have a very merry week, too, my dear! I posted the lens detail in the comments section. Thanks so much for reminding me to do that! xo – g


Dearest Mandy, my mama used fabric to make the flower's petals and leaves! She bought the flower stems separately and using a strong hot glue to attach the flowers she made to the stems. Love to you!


I love the first photo, so bursting with color. And I do know what you mean about colors, They're spread all over my drawing table in all shapes and forms, colored pencils, watercolors, inks etc etc, impossible not to feel inspired when you see them all :)
Looking forward to seeing the results of your hard work that kept you away from here :)

Account Deleted

Hi Jacqueline,

This is Eva here, I have been wondering how are you because you've been quiet, gud to know you haven't fell down in a rabbit hole!

I love purple too, in fact, it's my fav colour, for me, purple is a sensuous colour, a woman's colour! I use alot of purple in my artwork because it's so beautiful!

Hope to see more of your work in progress!

Account Deleted

How forgetful of me, I wanted o say in the first post that I've changed my blog url to o sacredheartist.blogspot.com! Do drop by when you're free from sewing all the cuteness!


Would love to see your work in progress...it's so wonderful to see happy things and cute things! Have a fabulous week - it's officially summer now!

Mousy Brown

Enjoy that time scheming - can't wait to see what you come up with! My Husband is Germany this week so I feel even closer to you! Take care and enjoy your week sweet friend xxx

Traveling Mama

What a treasure! Like mother like daughter! Hope you have a wonderful and inspired week!


i'm wearing a new purple shirt today that matches your flowers!

glad to know you haven't fallen down the rabbit whole and so looking forward to getting a peak at what you're up to!! :)

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