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September 04, 2010


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Hi Jacqueline, sincerely hope for you all that your brother gets better real soon! Stomach viruses are the worst!!!

hugs to you



So sad to hear that your brother's a bit under the weather. Hope he recovers quickly and gains his strength back :)


Oh no Jacqueline! That sounds terrible for your brother and for you worrying about him! I hope that things start looking up soon and that he will not have to be admitted to hospital! I'm sure that having your help makes him feels much better! Thank you so much for your lovely comments on my blog throughout our recent travels. You are always so great about leaving encouraging comments and knowing just what to say. Thanks for your support my friend! Sending lots of happy wishes today and every day!


Oh, your poor dear brother. I certainly hope he can avoid going to the hospital and that he recovers quickly.

Your photos are lovely! The purple is so beautiful, and it is one of my favorite colors at the moment.
hugs from Emily xo


hope little one is feeling better soon. These things are very horrible! Lovely flowers though to cheer us all up :)



Oh, goodness, I hope your brother recovers soon without a hospital stay...

Thanks for sharing one of my favorite colors. My girls tell me that my closet is full of grays + black + and thankfully the purple you have captured! Have a good weekend.


I hope he gets well very very soon, without the need to go to the hospital :( Strange viruses are all over the place these days!

I'm praying for him xoxo


Oh, Jacqueline,

Sorry to hear about your brother! But I'll bet he has the sweetest nurse in the world. You! I do hope he gets better soon.

Melissa xxx


I hope that your dear brother gets better soon, poor thing...but he has a sweet sister to take good care of him! You photos are lovely as always! I hope that you have a wonderful weekend, much love to you and yours!


Flowers look lovely, wishing a speedy recovery to your brother :)

Sung-Hee (Regina) Hong

Jacqueline, I hope your brother feels better soon. I'm pretty sure he will be fine.. Sending over healing vibes =) The flower pictures are just gorgeous ! Hope to hear good news soon.


he's lucky to have such devoted sisters! hope he recovers soon.


Wow, that is worrisome about your brother! I hope he doesn't get too dehydrated cuz then he'll have to go to the hospital to get fluids. (we drink lots of Gatorade when feeling sick like that) Hang in there!

shari @ little blue deer

Oh that sounds awful, that's the worst way to be sick! Will keep him in my prayers, Jacqueline!

Hip Mountain Mama

beautiful photos! Hope your brother is getting well.


Sending lots of happy thoughts your brother's way, Jacqueline.
You made two perfect shots of these purple beauties!
Alles gute fuer die neue Woche und ein wunderbares Wochenende, sweet friend xxooxxoo

Mousy Brown

Best wishes to you all from over here too! We are all thinking healing thoughts - take care of you too, Em xxx

and flowers pick themselves

so sorry to hear about your brother. hope he gets well soon!

xo Alison

Kate England

Wishing your brother a speedy recovery! xo


Hi sweet Jaqueline!
I know your brother will be well soon because of the love and dedication you have for him!

Will be thinking of you ...

Have a serene weekend dear Jaqueline....HUGS!
PS Thank you for dropping by my blog.. xxxooxxx

Gina Kim

Oh Jacqueline, sending well wishes & hope for rapid recovery!


Your poor brother! I hope he gets well soon - it sound quite nasty what he's got!

Love your photos here as always - so lovely!


Wishing your brother a speedy return to normal..that is such bad news..hugs my sweet friend. xoxo


Awh poor little brother! I really hope he feels better soon. Thanks for the thoughtful, lovely comments about my kiddos :) Hope all is well, and much love to you my friend.


Oh my, I hope your brother gets well soon and I totally understand how life take over at times.

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