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October 02, 2010


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gosh, this is really adorable! if i have a kid, i would love for my kid to wear a bib as cute as that too. i think i used to wear (unfortunately) mass printed bibs when i was a toddler. lol.


This is so darn cute Jacqueline! I loved catching up all your last few blog posts - the onesie you made to match is simply gorgeous. Thanks for the love you left on my blog. I'm sending you some back from Australia! xx


This is just adorable! You make everything so perfect!!! I don't know how you do it. I am so impressed. The little details are just wonderful. I hope you feel better and that you will have a most cozy weekend!
emily xo


What a sweet bib!

Feel better!


Yay Jacqueline..these are so super charming..and adorable..you are so fabulous! Sorry to hear you are under the weather..hope your feel all shiny and sparkly real soon! I loved this series..your work is beautiful..


I really do love this design. So sweet. So cute. My three year old apparently has your appreciation of sheep because she tells me she wants to be a mommy sheep for Halloween (a la http://www.shaunthesheep.com/ and http://www.timmytime.tv/ ). I'll definitely share if that's what she chooses. Feel better and have a nice weekend.


I am sorry to hear that you aren't feeling well, headaches are the worst...they can ruin a nice weekend! Love this bib, my mom LOVES lambs and sheep, she always buys them for my little Izzy! Despite the headache, I hope you have a lovely weekend! Much love to you!


These are darn cute, Jacqueline. As a matter of fact we are awaiting a newborn, a nephew, his mommy was due yesterday! Exciting moments these are!!
Much love for a happy weekend, sweet friend xxxx


Take good care of yourself, dear Jacqueline, I can´t wait to see what you´re creating ...
Have a wonderful resting weekend!!
Love to you,


Dearest Jen, so happy that your three year old have the same appreciation for sheep like i do! I really adore Shuan the sheep! And yes please share if that's what she chooses. So excited. Love to you!


Dearest saskia, how exciting to hear about a newborn ~ a nephew, arriving in your family! Such a wonderful precious moment! Congratz to you and your lovely family! Love to yoU


Hi Jacqueline, sorry to hear that you're not feeling well!! Please take care of yourself this weekend and hope you'll feel better soon! I love Jayden's sweet bib and the sheep looks really cute! Great job!!


This is such a sweet little sheep bib. Have a lovely restful weekend & I hope that you start feeling better soon!

Oh, and I am so happy to see you are also taking the declaration e-course!


So adorable...I want a baby to spoil!!! Fall hugs my friend. oxoxox

Rebecca E. Parsons/Cre8Tiva

way too cute the little lambie is a must for new granddaughters!!! thanks for stopping by my blog...XOXOX


This is just too adorable! You make gorgeous things Jacqueline :)

Thanks so much for your kind comments on my blog too x


I love it! Very sweet!


Cute! There's never enough time on the weekends to get all our fun stuff done, is there? Sounds like you have great plans to work on some fun projects. Enjoy yourself!

diane ackers

That's so adorable!

Carola Bartz

Absolutely adorable! Unfortunately my daughter is a little bit too old for bibs... otherwise I would custom order some from you! And she's WAY to young to have grandchildren yet... (she's 12!)


Everything that you create is so adorable!!! =)
Hope you'll feel better soon!
Sweet hug :)

Dana Barbieri

have a great weekend and i hope you headaches have disappeared. such a cute baby gift. love it! you are very talented!


So cute!!! Loving it ^^


Very cute :) Hope you're having a lovely weekend. Best wishes.


Super cute! I wonder if you can make one that fits around my neck. =)

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