I don't remember having such a productive weekend in a long time. There was productivity to top all productivity in my little studio. I suppose the productivity part had very much to do with being motivated and revisiting my creativity, but productivity. A fun weekend of serious packing, clearing and organizing in my little creative corner ~ pretty much bliss for me. I'm the type of person who can't start a new batch of projects without first getting everything clean and in order.
Here's a little glimpse of my new punkaholic girl helping me out in the studio space. She seems to love lounging on my project table. And oh my, it's really nice to finally see my cutting boards and table cloth ~ it was covered with piles of books, papers, fabrics, and not to mention dust!
I wanted to say thank you for all the super kind and supportive comments sent my way. I'm truly grateful. Once again, i'm in awe of how amazing this community is ~ it really astounds me, but most of all it reaffirms for me that people are mostly good and kind and supportive of one another. That's really important to me. Thank you so much for that.
Be well out there.
More soon, friends.
Love to you.