The only thing constant in life is change. How many times have you heard that quoted? But how many of us know that this include our sense of self? Often times, we identify with our views, our ideas, our root in the pass and who we think we are that often becomes what makes us ~ our sense of self. But change still managed to take us by surprise often unsettling us for quite a while especially when it involve who we are, a lot of times this unwillingness to accept that our sense of self is always evolving and changing Many people celebrate stability and things being always be the same
What amazes me, looking back on my life, is that change almost always seems to reveal itself as becoming something even better than before. That is when i go with it, not against it, when i appreciate that its trying to lead me forward ~ to feel much more free and grow closer to a better self. It's good to be changing (never to be fix) and be more open to change ~ to evolve and grow. It is important to recognize, accept and celebrate change, i allow myself a chance to change my views, believes and not to be so perfect, this way i can listen to something that makes me grow further and closer to something which is good.
Melocotón is pondering on my motto: "You can always bend the views and believe to fit the new facts in life". Accepting change in it's awkward uncertainty and appreciating it as is while it gently unfold into whats next.
More soon,
Have a great Sunday, friends. It's a relaxing one here.
Love to you.
This is so true and wise, Jacqueline. Change is something I've been struggling with lately and you are so right about going with it and not fighting against it. Thank you, thank you, this is exactly what I needed to read today.
Posted by: Amber | August 21, 2015 at 02:14 AM
Dearest sweet Amber, such a pleasent surprise to find a really old creative friend visiting me here. I really appreciate your kind words and i am so so sooo happy this little post of my brought you some ray of light. I've been struggling with this too "change" and decided to write a little post of it to express how i feel and i will move forward with it. So very glad you could relate.
Wishing you an amazing day.
Love to you.
Posted by: Jacqueline | August 21, 2015 at 09:13 AM